USB 2.0 On-The-Go Specification Supplement Adopters Agreement

The USB 2.0 Promoters have voted to adopt an addendum to the USB 2.0 Specification designated "On-The-Go Supplement to the USB 2.0 Specification" (the "Specification Supplement"). This letter is to provide USB 2.0 Adopters the option of extending their Adopter Agreement to address this new Spec Supplement (the Spec Supplement exceeds the scope of your original USB 2.0 Adopters Agreement, which is specific to the USB 2.0 Specification).

Adopters are under no obligation to amend their Adopters Agreement. However, those Parties that are Adopters as of the date of this Amendment Letter wishing to amend their Adopters Agreement must have the Amendment Letter (.pdf file format, size 16k) executed by a duly authorized representative and return the original signed letter to the address below to expand the scope of their Adopters Agreement. Once you have signed the Amendment Letter, return the original to the USB 2.0 Promoter Group at:

USB 2.0 Promoter Group
3855 SW 153rd Drive
Beaverton, OR  97003
